martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

About my school!

Hi! David is back today :)

Today i'm going  to write about my school. It looks like a very colorful and big school, but inside it's another story.
It has a lot of classes and inside it's very colorful. A part of the teachers are very good and gentle, but another part of them are very bad. The best subjects here are music and arts, because the teachers are very good and they're the best.
Our playground is very big and spaceful. We like a lot our ''Agora room'', because there's a lot of sofas and ''puffs'' and it's very confortable.
We do classes from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and we're very tired everyday!
We do a lot of traveling projects and things like this, like Comenius Project. A part of our alumns we went to many countries like United Kingdom, Hungary, Germany, etc.
All pupils we do a lot of arts projects for decorating our school inside, but I dislike how our arts teacher organizates this because she does all thing at last moment.
It's a very good school, but I think it can be better!
Thank you :)

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